Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kanye West Mocks Kris Jenner

Kanye West doesn't do many interviews. But for his new album, Yeezus, he spoke in Paris before the birth of baby North. He talks about Mies van der Rohe, intellectualism and his song, I Am a God.

And as for Kim?

West dodges several questions about the baby. What he will say with regard to sweetie Kim Kardashian and her family when asked about having qualms about appearing on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, he replies, "Oh, that's just all for love. It's simply that. At a certain point, or always, love is more important than any branding, or any set of cool people, or attempting to impress anyone. Because true love is just the way you feel." He adds, "Thoughts and feelings can disagree sometimes."

West also comments on Kim's fashion and the criticism she has faced during her pregnancy. "For her to take that risk in front of the world, it just shows you how much she loves me. And how much she actually loves the opportunity to learn. You got, like, a million companies saying, 'This is impacting your brand! This is impacting your fans! And blah blah blah.' But she still sees this light of beauty."

At one point in the interview process, Kim's mom, Kris Jenner, stops by West's Paris apartment. He plays her some of his unfinished songs, including Awesome, which is about Kim. Jenner's response? "Great job!"

West doesn't find that compliment to be flattering enough.

"Great job?" he says and sets off on a comic riff that cracks up everyone in the room. Toasting with his Champagne glass, he says, "Great job, Baccarat, for making a glass that can hold liquid!" He looks down at his waist. "Great job, belt loops, for keeping my pants up!" Jenner laughs off the mockery but soon is ready to leave. Hugging West goodbye, she tells him, "I love you. You know where to find us, at the George V. Call us tomorrow, if you want."

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